Monday, 2 July 2012

Tigerprint Gifted? 2012 Competition: Design a day

Tigerprint are currently running a competiton for students and graduates, with a 'design a day' concept. Each day for one month (27th June to 31st July), Tigerprint will post a theme on their blog and you can choose to create designs or not. You don't have to enter every theme, and you aren't limited to creating the design on the day it's theme is revealed either! 

You can enter as little or as much as you'd like, and at the end of it all, a talented young designer will be chosen as the winner and will receive £500 and a three month paid placement at the Tigerprint studios. 

I've decided to enter a design (or more!) to every theme. For one, it's great fun! And two, have you seen the prize?!!?!

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