Sunday, 3 June 2012

Stylesite Trendboard: Material Innovation: Material and Print Explorations S/S 13

I was priviledged enough in my third year of university to have a live project with Stylesite. After looking at their four S/S 13 Megatrends, we applied the trends to our final major projects.

"Drawing inspiration from Stylesightʼs S/S 13 Megatrends Ashen, Nutopia, Subnation and Clarity third-year students at the UKʼs Buckinghamshire Textile College set out to design a series of exciting materials, surfaces and patterns. Mixing flock printing, knitting, dip dyeing, devoré and mark making, these soon-to-be graduating students showcased their innate innovation and wealth of learned techniques. Run as a competition, this report details the four themes, featuring the competitionʼs best fabrics, print explorations and textile manipulations. A second report will soon follow, highlighting the winning students." - Stylesite.

Although I was not amongst the winning students, a small part of the very beginning of my project was featured in the Clarity: Colourbleed trend.

The two vibrant and spotty materials (right of the title and bottom left) are both mine. Although this particular piece of work never made it past this initial stage for it did not fit in with my project as much as I'd have liked it to, it's lovely to see Stylesite liked it!

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