Sunday, 11 March 2012

How to make a cute origami crane.

I really enjoy making origami animals and flowers. Origami gets me concentrating really hard; I feel like it gives my brain a little workout and a sense of accomplishment when I've completed one.

I decided to make my own 'How To..' guide for making a Crane.

Step 1: Take a square piece of paper! Origami paper is the best to work with.
Step 2: Fold the paper in half with the coloured side up.
Step 3: Open to a square again and fold the paper in half the other way with the coloured side up.
Step 4: Open to a square again and fold the paper in half into a triangle with the white side up.
Step 5: Open to a square again and fold the paper in half the other way with the white side up.
Step 6: Open to a square with the coloured side up and turn it on it's corner so it becomes a diamond. Now it's time to really start folding up a crane!

Step 7: Hold the diamond if you hands and the push in the left corner. (You may have to do a little bit of jiggling around with the folds here if it doesn't collapse in naturally).
Step 8: Push in the right corner the same as you did with the left.
Step 9: Ta da! You now have a little diamond! (Make sure the bottom corner of your diamond is the corner where all the other corners meet).
Step 10: Fold in both sides of the front of the diamond to meet in the middle.
Step 11: Fold down the triangle on top and crease quite hard.
Step 12: Open up the creases you have just made for the next part of the process.

Step 13: Slip your finger underneath the bottom corner of the diamond and lift.
Step 14. Lift the front of the diamond up and carry on pulling back.
Step 15: Here's a side view of pulling the paper back.
Step 16: Notice you are creating a long diamond shape.
Step 17: Pull the paper right back and crease down.
Step 18: Turn over and repeat steps 10 to 18. Now you have a long diamond shape. Make sure the bottom corner is still where all the other corners meet.

Step 19: Fold in the left side of the diamond to meet in the middle. This can be quite fiddly.
Step 20: This is what it should look like!
Step 21: Fold in the right side.
Step 22: Turn the diamond over and repeat steps 19 to 21. You should now have this.
Step 23: Fold up the right 'leg' diagonally.
Step 24: Fold up the left 'leg' diagonally .

Step 25: Bring the right 'leg' down. This is where it starts to get tricky!
Step 26: Using the creases made from folding up the 'leg', fold the 'leg' inside itself and push it into the top diamond shape. The top part of the 'leg' should be re-folded the opposite way.
Step 27: A closer look at the complicated fold.
Step 28: Crease the leg .
Step 29: Repeat steps 25 to 28 with the left 'leg'.
Step 30: Fold the top of the right 'leg' down diagonally and crease hard. This is another tricky fold.

Step 31: In the same way the 'legs' were folded in on themselves, fold in the head of the bird.
Step 32: This is what it should look like.
Step 33: Fold down the top wing.
Step 34: Turn over and fold down the second wing.
Step 35: Stand the origami up and pull out the wings.
Step 36: Pull the wings out further and you'll notice the body of the origami stretches out.

You now have you origami crane :) I hung mine up in my bedroom for a little of a decoration!

NB: My origami skills are not very good at all! And I don't know the terminations for origami so my descriptions aren't great. I hope you got what I meant though!

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